
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bayu Emas Penang Trip with 1159

Omg! 竟然整个 sem break 只blog到一篇而已!
不过sem break也太短了,这么快就要结束了。

好啦,决定来spam一 spam照片,都是上次1159 Penang trip的。
可是很好笑啦,没有大合照 也没有跟男生拍到照片。=.=
所以只是我们女生的自拍啦!哈哈哈!真的很多噢!不好意思 :P

早上大家一起去吃早餐,then去了 snake temple & toy museum. 

是的~我们又去Bayu Emas住了,时隔了两年多吧。
2010 年! 按按这篇 :P
看回那时的我好年轻 T.T  是不是刘海的问题?哈哈哈!好啦 我知道是真的老了 

Bayu Emas Apartment 是在 Hard Rock Hotel 对面而已,
当时我们还说下一次要住 Hard Rock 了,哈哈
结果。。。还是一样啦!哈哈哈 我相信总有一天我们会在 Hard Rock见的 :P

其实这些没什么 caption 的,都是我们躲在房间拍拍拍 x)

# 这些 4 格的都很好笑,因为是连续的,从右下到左上吧,往往到最后都失控了 Hahaha

#在尝试不同的 effect

对了,我们的午餐在 Tree Monkey 解决。
其实那边的环境不错,只是当时很热啊,而且一直有虫。 :(

#是的,我偷了陈彦洲的照片, shhhh... :P

# 这照片很有故事,Jp & Leesin要自拍,Evon要跟我自拍,结果Jp要把Evon推掉。哈哈哈!

#其实那时很热,整个人都黏黏的,头发也很乱 :(

那天的海很脏,浪很大~ 所以我们没去玩水。坐在沙滩讲话 也不错
男生他们还下水去玩。 Lol

晚餐在 Straits Quay 的 Blue Reef .

# 我们的距离很奇怪。哈哈!

晚上在 apartment 玩 Evon带去的 Killer Card。
好好玩! :D

本来5.30am 要去看日出,结果下大雨,所以泡汤啦~

隔天醒来就去 check out,去 Times Square 吃。。。算 brunch 吧!
Then 去 1st Avenue 看 Dark Shadows.


# 脸上生了颗大痘痘!好伤心!

# 不过那位置很好笑,笑一笑又看不到了,所以我要一直笑。哈哈哈

# 只是在try apps的 effect :D

# 有双胞胎姐妹的感觉不知道是如何呢?

# 哈哈哈哈!超爱这张的!我是大头!可是下巴超尖的!:P

之前一直听说 Dark Shadows 很好看很好看,
我也很期待啦!而且是 Johnny Depp 的,他演的角色都很特别。哈哈

Then 去 Farlim 吃 laksa!
也是波折重重啦,槟城很繁忙咧,好难跟车 :(
迷路了一下 =.= 

吃完后就回家啦~ 哈哈哈!

哈哈哈哈 写作文咩!还有老铁马!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

End of year 2

Hello ! Finally I'm having sem break now !
Done my last paper on 10th May, and I'm gonna say bye bye to my year 2 ! :D

Went sing K on the day we finished our last paper, with Von & Leesin ! 
Our favourite activity ! Hahaha


Feel that this sem break are quite short, 2 weeks only... :(
and I will be having intern in Penang start from 28th May.
Everything comes so fast !!

After intern, only left 2 sem in Utar, 
so reluctant to leave..... :(
Already feel bu she de when packing stuffs because gonna leave for 5 months,
I can't imagine graduate !! 

Okay la~ don't think so far 1st.... -.-


A lot of things to do in this sem break.. 

I wanna dye my hair !! Yuuuhoooo~ The hair I dyed on the previous time was super not obvious. zzz. only can see the color under sunlight. Lol! This time cannot dy! haha

Have to go Penang to find our intern company ! Lol. we only knew the location, but still don't know the exact place. Haha

Penang trip with the lovely 1159 !! Hahaha. Can't see most of them on the next few months, will miss them lah. Muahaha

Gonna settle the Genting transport & accommodation ! Yeahhh, Twins~ we are coming !!!

My bro is going Kampar ! Too bad I cannot take care him for the next sem. hahaha. but I think he doesn't need me. -.- Lol ! Gonna accompany him to hostel & kepo everything. :P

I want to clean & tidy up my room. super messy now. 
See this,

the stuffs I bring back from hostel! Hahaha. Still put it on the floor now. Tsk tsk, so messy. must find some time to tidy it. sighh


Actually I quite like this hair, a little curl. Hahaha. but sometimes it is quite messy. :o  Hehehe

Lastly, Happy Mother's Day !!!
I don't have anything to present my mom since all my money now are from her. Tsk tsk.. -.-
nvm, wait until I work. Hahaha
Btw, thanks my parent for getting me a car for my internship. 
I appreciate it, and wish that I can get them everything after I start working. hehehe